Temperament Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S)
TBT-S is an emerging treatment that introduces neurobiological and trait-based research to adolescents and adults with eating disorders (ED). It provides experiential tools that reflect ED brain responses to help clients better understand the biological bases of what, why and when eating disorders develop. It helps clients acknowledge their own temperaments to experientially explore healthy solutions, instead of triggering ED symptoms. TBT-S fills a treatment gap and augments ongoing ED approaches.
TBT-S Training Institute trains professional mental health providers to understand the biology of temperament and how to incorporate TBT-S into practice.
Move therapeutic fields forward to include temperament in treatment.
Train psychologists, social workers, and other mental health and dietary professionals internationally on an eating disorder treatment that augments ongoing therapies by incorporating temperament, biological mechanisms and trait-based research findings into strength-based interactive interventions.
Training Comments
"This is the best training I have ever attended!"
"This training exceeding my expectations."
"Excellent experience. Many thanks!!!"
"Loved loved loved this training. Thank you!"