4 Levels of TBT-S Training
See below

Level 1: Introduction
Introduce psychologists, social workers, MH therapists, educators, and graduate students to an evolving specialized therapy for eating disorders that is grounded in current temperament-based evidence: Temperament Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S).
One-day 6 hr. face-to-face TBT-S experiential training, or
Online 15 video courses totaling 9 1/2 hours.
The fee is the same for both formats.
- Both face-to-face and virtual trainings provide handouts.
Quizzes after each online video.
Professionals and support persons are eligible.
CE credits pending May 2025 IF you complete requirements.
A "Confirmation of Completion" is provided when Level 1 requirements are met.
Prerequisite: get the TBT-S book: Temperament Based Therapy with SupportÂ
by: Hill, L., Wierenga, C., & Peck, S. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Level 2: Application
Apply current neurobiological eating disorder temperament-based research and TBT-S clinical intervention tools into multiple treatment levels and cultures for eating disorders and comorbid trait-based illnesses.
3-day face-to-face training for psychologists, social workers, MH, medical and dietary professionals.
Support persons not eligible.
- Focus on application and practice of TBT-S clinical tools and experiential interventions.
- Clinicians are coached on how, when, why and where TBT-S tools could be applied to augment ongoing therapies.
The Institute expects providers to have their own state/province graduate education, and if practicing, liability insurance,
18 CE credits if complete requirements (pending May 2025).
- A " Confirmation of Completion will be provided at the end of the training.
There are two versions of Level 2:
Child/adolescent addressing adolescent development and how TBT-S builds upon family therapy.
Adult TBT-S Training (18 yrs. and above). This includes TBT-S for Severe-and-Enduring Anorexia Nervosa.
Successful completion of Level 1.

Level 3: Integration
Integrate Temperament Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S) into clinical practices ranging from outpatient to residential care for clients of all ages with eating disorders to fill treatment gaps in ongoing eating disorder therapies.
Four live 2-hour sessions of small group discussion virtually (8 hours and maximum of 8 people).
Bring your case examples to discuss how TBT-S is being integrated into your practice.
Professional clinical, medical, dietary and other trained mental health workers, or university faculty, are eligible.Â
Supports are not eligible for TBT-S Level 3.
8 CE credits if complete requirements (Pending May 2025).
State and province board and legal requirements require having liability insurance, or one's clinical program or educational site covers liability.Â
A "Confirmation of Completion" will be provided.
There are two versions of Level 3:
Child/adolescent addressing adolescent development and how TBT-S builds upon family therapy.
Adult TBT-S Training (18 yrs. and above). This includes tools for Severe-and-Enduring Anorexia Nervosa.
Successful completion of Levels 1 & 2Â

Level 4: Supervision
Integration: Supervise psychologists, social workers, MH therapists, educators, and graduate students to assess competencies of clinician application and integration of Temperament Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S) for clients of all ages, gender and culture.
Individuals receive face-to-face or virtual supervision.
Clinicians are supervised while integrating TBT-S clinical and client tools and modules into outpatient through day hospital settings.
# of supervision, practicum hours currently being determined.
Required for clinicians who want to be certified as a TBT-S Treatment provider.
Two types of supervision: child/adolescents and/or adults.
Successful completion of Levels 1, 2 & 3