TBT-S Trainers

Dr. Laura Hill is Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University. Dr. Hill is one of the original founders of the Academy for Eating Disorders, and was a TED talk speaker on “Eating Disorders from the Inside Out. She is a co-founder of the TBT-S Training Institute and has researched and lectured on ED for over 40 years.

Dr. Christina Wierenga is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and a Fellow of the Academy of Eating Disorders. As Co-Director of Research and Senior Supervising Clinical Psychologist at the UCSD Eating Disorder Center for Treatment and Research, she has been working with adolescents and adults with eating disorders for over a decade. She is an expert in the neurobiology of eating disorders and co-developer of Temperament Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S).

Dr Stephanie Knatz Peck is a clinical psychologist and associate clinical professor at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry. She previously served as director of intensive family treatments at the UCSD Eating Disorder Center. Dr Knatz Peck co-developed TBTS alongside Dr’s Hill and Wierenga and adapted TBT-S for youth, including specific adaptations for children, adolescents and young adults.

Dr. Stedal is a licensed clinical psychologist and senior researcher in eating disorders. She has researched neurocognitive functioning in anorexia nervosa since 2008. In 2017, Dr. Stedal initiated TBT-S in Norway and facilitates its continued adoption to Scandinavia.

Dr. Krista is a licensed clinical psychologist and a Certified as a TBT-S Trainer. She has worked in the field of eating disorders since 2009. She is the owner of Brain Based Therapy NW, in Spokane, Washington. It is the first privately owned TBT-S intensive treatment program in the US. She provides TBT-S 5-Day Eating Disorder Treatment programs for adults with eating disorders. This intensive program has and is being studied internationally showing significant impact on adults’ lives. It addressed the brain-bases of eating disorders that treat to clients’ traits.

Jasmin Watson has a master’s in occupational therapy (2012) and is a mental health occupational therapist and eating disorder specialist. She is As the first Certified treatment provider and trainer for Temperament-Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S) Training Institute in Australasia, Jasmin has played a pioneering role in implementing TBT-S across Victoria’s healthcare landscape. She is also the principal investigator of Australia’s first research study on TBT-S. Her research is focused on improving treatment outcomes for individuals with eating disorders. Jasmin continues to lead initiatives that influence both clinical practice and service development across Australia.

Maria Tsiaka, BA, PhD is a psychologist, systemic family-therapist and Founder and Executive Director of the Hellenic Center for Eating Disorders, a profit support and outpatient treatment facility established in 2006 in Athens, Greece. She has been working on the field of eating disorders since 1997.
In 2012, she has developed and implemented the Home-Based Treatment Program and Intensive Outpatient Program for adolescents and adults with severe and enduring eating disorders all over the country for first time. She has studied and practiced the cognitive interpersonal maintenance model on Greek families and investigated its applicability on bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder in collaboration with Professor Janet Treasure. Furthermore, in 2017 she initiated TBT-S in Greece and facilitates its adaptation to Mediterranean region. She is certified TBT-S Trainer and Treatment Provider.